Become a Qualifi Centre
Flexible, Responsive and Innovative
Training providers are at the forefront of developing skilled and talented individuals for employment within the vibrant Hair, Beauty, Wellness and Aesthetics industries. You are the ones who understand the priorities of employers and the needs of the learners who walk through your doors.
Qualifi shares your commitment to helping motivated learners become the dynamic workforce of the future. We work with our centres to assure you have the support and tools you need to achieve your vision.

When you partner with Qualifi to become an Approved Learning Centre, you receive these benefits:
- The assurance of UK Qualification Regulation. Qualifi is respected by UK regulators as a credible andconsistent awarding organisation. That means your learners’ certificates are valued by employers in the UK and worldwide.
- Our qualifications qualify for student loans (subject to the centre meeting funding criteria).
- Responsive and helpful customer service from dedicated representatives available 24/7.
- Learning programmes and qualifications that are current and industry relevant to today’s global vocational requirements.
- Curriculum and qualification advice and support from our technical experts.
- Learner career pathway and progression routes with qualifications from Level 2 to Level 7 (English RQF Levels).
- Marketing support.